Max Access


Max Access instantly scans, analyzes, and updates your website for digital accessibility and WCAG compliance.
Then it re-scans for any site updates or new content every 24 hours!

Max Access includes a website toolbar, automatic code fixes, and detailed compliance reports.

It’s fully automated but offers advanced features for power users.

  • AI-Powered Image Recognition
  • AI-Driven Alt-Tag Manager
  • AI-Driven ARIA Label Manager
  • Advanced Toolbar & Screen Reader Options
  • 54 Voice Options in 27 Languages
  • WCAG Compliance Training Videos
  • Color Blindness Reports
  • Color Contrast Customization

And it starts working immediately!

You can choose from the full featured toolbar or the minimalist toolbar, change colors, and icons to match your brand.

This plugin helps connect your website with Max Access, the AI-Powered Web Accessibility Service. It expedites installation process on WordPress by effortlessly connecting your Max Access account to your website.

Visit to get started with a full featured free trial.


  • Max Access options page
  • Front end view of Toolbar collapsed
  • Front end view of Toolbar expanded


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