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ZMT Modular

ZMT Modular

  • نُسخو 1.1.8
  • Last updated آڪٽوبر 29, 2024
  • Active installations ڏهن کان گهٽ
  • WordPress version 4.7
  • PHP version 7.0

The Modular Theme is a lightweight, fast and fully customizable ZuestMedia WordPress Theme. This theme combines the new modern features of Gutenberg Block Editor respectively concepts from Full Site Editing (FSE) with the proven classic WordPress theme structure. For a quick start, import a preconfigured starter design directly from the Design-Explorer and get started right away. Use the Customizer to define global settings like colors, fonts, etc. and customize every part of your website. Thanks to the modular design, header and footer builders are a thing of the past. With the template editor (Pro) or by using a child theme you can easily create as many sections as you need in the header, center or footer area and arrange them as you need.

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This theme is available in the following languages: Deutsch (Österreich), Deutsch (Schweiz), Deutsch, ءِ English (US).

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