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موضوعات جي فهرست ڏانھن واپس وڃو

Smart Cleaning Company

پاران themagnifico52

هي چائلڊ ٿهيم آهي Smart Cleaning جي.

نسخو: 2.2.2

آخري ڀيرو اپڊيٽ ڪيو ويو: اپريل 10, 2024

فعال تنصيب: 100+

ورڈپریس ورزن: 5.0 يا وڌيڪ

پي ايڇ پي نسخو:7.2 يا وڌيڪ

موضوع وارو هوم پيج

Smart Cleaning Company is a suitable free WordPress Theme for professional cleaning companies, labor services, apartment cleaners, industrial cleaning, plumbing services, housemaid solutions, washing services, housekeeping facilities, etc. This theme is a sophisticated theme with a retina-ready design and user-friendly interface allowing users with or without any coding skills to create a stunning website. The responsive layout fits every screen no matter what the screen sizes and resolutions are. The entire design is clean and minimal focusing on the content and important info. There are many personalization options available with the theme making it suitable to be used as a multipurpose theme. There are a lot of Call to Action Button (CTA) to look for the conversions and social media options that will take care of the promotions. Optimized codes of the theme make sure that you get a lightweight website that is easy to load and gives a faster page load time. The clean codes improve your website’s performance and its mobile-friendly design make it work well on mobile devices. This modern theme is interactive and comes with a Bootstrap-based design. This makes it easy to work with the theme, and there are translation-ready options available as it is WPML and RTL compatible.

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