موضوعات جي لسٽ

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موضوعات جي فهرست ڏانھن واپس وڃو

هي موضوع 2 سالن کان وڌيڪ عرصي ۾ اپڊيٽ نه ڪيو ويو آهي. اهو ٿي سگهي ٿو هاڻي برقرار رکي يا سپورٽ نه ٿي سگهي ۽ ٿي سگهي ٿو مطابقت جا مسئلا جڏهن ورڈپریس جي وڌيڪ تازي ورزن سان استعمال ڪيو وڃي.


پاران HashThemes

نسخو: 1.0.9

آخري ڀيرو اپڊيٽ ڪيو ويو: ڊسمبر 21, 2021

فعال تنصيب: 70+

پي ايڇ پي نسخو:5.6 يا وڌيڪ

موضوع وارو هوم پيج

SantaMas is a Free WordPress Theme specifically designed for holidays and events like Christmas, New Year or any other special events. The theme has event date countdown that lets you show the remaining days of the upcoming event. The snowfall effect on the banner creates the illusion of a perfect winter snowfall in your website. Optionally it can be disabled from the customizer setting. The about section and featured section can be used to display the information about the events. A gallery section at the bottom perfectly displays the event images. Most importantly the theme is not only bound to be used for event website only. SantaMas is multipurpose theme and can be used for business, corporate, portfolio, blog, photography and all other creative agencies. The theme is pretty easy to setup with live preview from the customizer without needing to have any coding knowledge at all. The theme provides flexible setting configuration with powerful and intuitive features. For demo visit http://demo.hashthemes.com/santamas/

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ڪائي ٿهيم نه ملي. ٻئي طرح سان ڳولهي ڏس.