موضوعات جي لسٽ

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موضوعات جي فهرست ڏانھن واپس وڃو


پاران sharkthemes

تجارتي موضوع

هي موضوع مفت آهي پر اضافي ادا ڪيل تجارتي اپ گريڊ يا سپورٽ پيش ڪري ٿو.

نسخو: 1.1.6

آخري ڀيرو اپڊيٽ ڪيو ويو: جُون 23, 2023

فعال تنصيب: 100+

پي ايڇ پي نسخو:5.6 يا وڌيڪ

موضوع وارو هوم پيج

Musicaholic is an innovative and elegant creative music WordPress Theme. Theme concept is built precisely for music industry and other individual creative folks. Choose the Musicaholic if you’re looking for a minimalistic music theme. It’s a great choice for music artists, DJ, and much more. Musicaholic theme has wide list of customizable features including front page customizable sections with customizer api and widgets, wide and boxed layout and many more options. It comes with cross-browser compatibility, mobile friendly design and responsive features.

درجه بندي

سڀ ڏس
ھن موضوع کي اڃا تائين درجه بندي نه ڪيو ويو آھي.
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ڪائي ٿهيم نه ملي. ٻئي طرح سان ڳولهي ڏس.