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موضوعات جي فهرست ڏانھن واپس وڃو

هي موضوع 2 سالن کان وڌيڪ عرصي ۾ اپڊيٽ نه ڪيو ويو آهي. اهو ٿي سگهي ٿو هاڻي برقرار رکي يا سپورٽ نه ٿي سگهي ۽ ٿي سگهي ٿو مطابقت جا مسئلا جڏهن ورڈپریس جي وڌيڪ تازي ورزن سان استعمال ڪيو وڃي.

MH HealthMag

پاران MH Themes

هي چائلڊ ٿهيم آهي MH Magazine lite جي.

نسخو: 1.0.4

آخري ڀيرو اپڊيٽ ڪيو ويو: جنوري 4, 2019

فعال تنصيب: 700+

موضوع وارو هوم پيج

MH HealthMag is a fresh and beautiful magazine WordPress theme for editorial websites with topics like health, fitness, body, food, beauty or else. This modern magazine theme is a child theme for the popular MH Magazine lite theme which includes various custom widgets to build a well-organized front page to showcase your valuable content. If you blog about latest fitness trends, delicious food, diet tips or other health related topics, then this could be the WordPress theme you’re looking for. If you like this free magazine theme and in case you need more features and options, then you can have the same layout with the premium version of MH Magazine (without the need of a child theme) which can be configured by making use of the flexible layout options. MH Magazine offers additional widget areas, multiple unique custom widgets, great features and extended layout options to manage several layout elements on your site including changing the color scheme and typography.

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ڪائي ٿهيم نه ملي. ٻئي طرح سان ڳولهي ڏس.