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موضوعات جي فهرست ڏانھن واپس وڃو

Create Magazine

پاران themepalace

نسخو: 2.7

آخري ڀيرو اپڊيٽ ڪيو ويو: آگسٽ 4, 2022

فعال تنصيب: 80+

ورڈپریس ورزن: 5.0 يا وڌيڪ

پي ايڇ پي نسخو:5.6 يا وڌيڪ

موضوع وارو هوم پيج

A clean, modern and responsive news and magazine WordPress theme called Create Magazine. It can be used for newspaper, publishing personal and corporate blogs. Features including full width and boxed layout, image popup with photo gallery, social sharing, focused content, pretty effects. It is loaded with theme options and provides several features to make user-friendly, interactive and visually stunning website with implementation of all features of latest WordPress like partial refresh. It is compatible with top WordPress plugins such as WPML(multilingual ready) and JetPack. A special accent is made on its cross-browser compatibility, mobile friendly design and responsive features. Create Magazine can be fully customized to be used for commercial, non-profit organization, newsportal website, blog, freelancers, portfolio, bloggers and everyone one who appreciates beautiful design and other sites.

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ڪائي ٿهيم نه ملي. ٻئي طرح سان ڳولهي ڏس.