ھي پلگ ان WordPress جي جديد 3 وڏين رليزز سان آزمايو نه ويو آھي. اهو ٿي سگهي ٿو وڌيڪ برقرار يا سپورٽ نه ٿي سگهي ۽ ٿي سگهي ٿو مطابقت جا مسئلا جڏهن ورڈپریس جي وڌيڪ تازي ورزن سان استعمال ڪيو وڃي.

Disable Comments


Completely disables comments functionality from backend and frontend:
* Hides existing comments
* Close comments on the front-end
* Disable support for comments, trackbacks and ping
* Redirects any user trying to access comments page
* Removes comments metabox from dashboard
* Removes comments links from admin bar
* Removes comments page in menu
* Completely disables comments API


  1. Upload the entire folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install it via repository
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Nothing else 🙂


No FAQ yet… pls ask 🙂


11 آڪٽوبر 2022
Thanks for making a super easy plug. Please would you check this plugin is compatible with the latest version of WordPress. It is always concerning installing a plugin that has not been updated in a year.
11 فيبروري 2022
I liked this plugin very much. Would be cool if you also created “Disable Posts” plugin that works similarly (I only want Pages, not Posts).
7 فيبروري 2022
The type of plugin I just love… does exactly what it says, no configuration necessary, source readable and understandable in minutes.
جمع: سڀ 4 تبصرا پڙهو

تعاون ڪندڙ & ڊولپرز

“Disable Comments” اوپن سورس سافٽ ويئر آهي. ھيٺين ماڻھن ھن پلگ ان ۾ حصو ورتو آھي.

تعاون ڪندڙ

ترجمو ڪريو “Disable Comments” توهان جي ٻولي ۾.

ڊولپمينٽ ۾ دلچسپي؟

ڪوڊ براؤز ڪريو، چيڪ ڪريو SVN مخزن، يا رڪنيت حاصل ڪريو ڊولپمينٽ لاگ پاران RSS.

لاگ تبدیل ڪريو


1.0.0 First release


1.0.1 WP 5.2.3


1.0.1 WP 5.3


1.0.3 Rebranding


1.0.4 WP 5.7 supported