Simple options to tidy up the uncommonly used buttons and controls from WordPress TinyMCE editor
Currently the plugin supports the following:
Block Formats
- h1 / Heading 1
- h2 / Heading 2
- h3 / Heading 3
- h4 / Heading 4
- h5 / Heading 5
- h6 / Heading 6
- p / Paragraph
- address / Address
- pre / Preformatted
- strikethrough / Strikethrough
- underline / Underline
- bold / Bold
- italic / Italic
- forecolor / Font color
- justifyfull / Justify text
- outdent / Outdent
- indent / Indent
- charmap / Special Characters
- help / Help
- pasteword / Paste from Word
- pastetext / Pase as plain text
- removeformat / Remove formatting
- undo / Undo
- redo / Redo
- bullist / Bullet list
- numlist / Numbered List
- blockquote / Block quote
- justifycenter / Center align
- justifyright / Right align
- justifyleft / Left align
- spellchecker / Spell checker
Download a zip of the repository and put in a wp-tidy-tinymce directory inside
Go to the plugins page and activate it.
You can then visit the Settings > Tidy TinyMCE page to pick which block formats and buttons you want to be available in the editor.
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لاگ تبدیل ڪريو
- Updated to work with 3.9
- First version