Create DB Tables

Extremely simple way for developers to create and manage new database tables in a quick…

James Preus | @JPPreusDev فعال انسٽاليشنس: 40+ Tested with 4.5.31 Updated 8 سالَ ago

My wpdb


Shota Kawakatsu فعال انسٽاليشنس: 30+ Tested with 6.1.6 Updated 1 سال ago

Database Read Replicas

BETA: Extend WordPress with MySQL database read replica support for greater speed and scalability

James D. Low فعال انسٽاليشنس: 10+ Tested with 3.2.1 Updated 7 سالَ ago

Beyond Wpdb

※ Table names have been changed since v2.0.Please delete the meta_json table and reactivate it…

PRESSMAN فعال انسٽاليشنس: 10 کان گھٽ Tested with 5.5.14 Updated 3 سالَ ago