پلگ ان ٽيگ: url
Custom Permalinks
(115 ڪل درجه بندي)Set custom permalinks on a per-post, per-tag or per-category basis.
Featured Image from URL (FIFU)
(235 ڪل درجه بندي)Use an external image/video/audio as featured image of a post or WooCommerce product.
URL Params
(36 ڪل درجه بندي)Short Code to grab any URL parameter from the Query String and display it or display conditional content.
Move Login
(43 ڪل درجه بندي)Change your login URL for something like https://example.com/login and stop login brute-force attempts.
Root Relative URLs
(20 ڪل درجه بندي)Converts all URLs to root-relative URLs for hosting the same site on multiple IPs, easier production migration and better mobile device testing.
Simple Page Redirect
(6 ڪل درجه بندي)This plugin allows you to make simple redirects of single pages of any custom post type to any url.
WP Force Lowercase URLs
(5 ڪل درجه بندي)Perform a 301 redirect from an uppercase URL to the lowercase version for all non-admin URLs
WP Author Slug
(20 ڪل درجه بندي)Add a layer of security and prevent your login name from being shown in the author archive's URL.
WP Post Redirect
(5 ڪل درجه بندي)Redirect your posts to an external link by adding the url into a new metabox. Simply and efficient!
Upload Url and Path Enabler
(12 ڪل درجه بندي)Get the media upload path and url setting fields back in WP 3.5+.
LH Force Lowercase URLs
(2 ڪل درجه بندي)Perform a 301 redirect from an uppercase URL to the lowercase version for all non-admin URLs
Disable URL Autocorrect Guessing
(12 ڪل درجه بندي)Disables WordPress' URL autocorrection guessing feature.
Custom Permalink Editor
(2 ڪل درجه بندي)Set Custom Permalink Editor on a per-post, per-tag per-page, and per-category basis.
Enhanced Custom Permalinks
(14 ڪل درجه بندي)Set custom permalinks on a per-post, per-tag or per-category basis.
Automatically Update Permalinks
(5 ڪل درجه بندي)Automatically updates the permalink (slug) of a post or page when its title is changed.
Permalink Editor
(5 ڪل درجه بندي)Fully customise the permalink for an individual page or post and globally set the permalink structure for pages, categories, tags or authors.