پلگ ان ٽيگ: text
(1 ڪل درجه بندي)wpTextResize is an easy to use way to have Increase, Decrease, reset font size controls for body text on a WordPress site.
Wp cycle text announcement
(0 ڪل درجه بندي)Wp cycle text plugin is to show the text news with cycle jQuery. Display one news at a time and cycle the remaining in the mentioned location.
content.de WordPress-Plugin
(0 ڪل درجه بندي)Manage all your content.de texts directly from your wordpress-blog.
Mobile Contact Buttons
(3 ڪل درجه بندي)Adds Call, Email and SMS buttons on bottom of website. Only for Mobile View of website.
Text Replacer
(0 ڪل درجه بندي)Replace one or more words, or entire sentence across all posts and pages reliably with Text Replacer.
Search and Replace for Block Editor
(1 ڪل درجه بندي)Search and Replace text within the Block Editor.
Subpage as Expandible Text Shortcode
(2 ڪل درجه بندي)Add [subpages_expand] to any parent page. All child pages' titles are shown as links that expand to content when clicked
WordPress Animated Text Plugin
(0 ڪل درجه بندي)Animate headlines and text with ease using our friendly UI and shortcode.
Read Text File
(0 ڪل درجه بندي)Allows you to display the contents of a text file within a post by adding a simple shortcode and including a path from the root folder.
Marquee Top – Responsive Text Scroll Plugin
(0 ڪل درجه بندي)Marquee Top is a WordPress plugin that adds customizable marquee text to your site's top header, letting you adjust its style and speed.
GR Lorem Ipsum Generator
(3 ڪل درجه بندي)Generates one or more randomly selected paragraphs of Lorem Ipsum text from shortcode.
Text Filtering
(1 ڪل درجه بندي)Filter out the text in your posts, replace them with your preferred phrase across all your posts or for the specified category posts.
(0 ڪل درجه بندي)Provide visitors to your site the the option of increasing or decreasing the size of text onclick of image or text links using JavaScript.
qText X Widget
(1 ڪل درجه بندي)This is multilingual text widget, which works with qTranslate-X plugin.