Personal Hit Counter

The Plugin shows how many times someone visits a specific website from a specific browser

Tawhidur Rahman Dear فعال انسٽاليشنس: 80+ Tested with 6.4.4 Updated 2 مهينا ago

User Last Visit

The plugin keeps record on each user last visit time using logged-in status, user ID…

CNHK SYSTEMS فعال انسٽاليشنس: 50+ Tested with 4.2.37 Updated 7 سالَ ago


Interview plugin allows to create a webcam recorded interview width questions/answers, send it to applicants…

proxymis فعال انسٽاليشنس: 30+ Tested with 6.1.6 Updated 1 سال ago

Screen Recorder

Screen Recorder allows to record and play back user activity on your blog.

proxymis فعال انسٽاليشنس: 20+ Tested with 5.7.11 Updated 3 سالَ ago


Next Level of Activity Tracking. Record & Replay Registered Users or developers activity in your…

ReWeby فعال انسٽاليشنس: 10 کان گھٽ Tested with 6.3.4 Updated 8 مهينا ago