پلگ ان ٽيگ: jquery
Youtube ToolTip
(0 ڪل درجه بندي)"Youtube ToolTip" Click on any of your links to get a quick preview of the youtube video.
(1 ڪل درجه بندي)Retrospective plugin displays last posts or posts from a specific category in a nice-looking "retrospective" way using a shortcode.
Posts in Map
(1 ڪل درجه بندي)Add short code [gmap] to insert in post a google map with advanced features and place geolocalized post in this map
WPMK Portfolio
(0 ڪل درجه بندي)This Plugin will provide you to add portfolio, media gallery into your wordpress website.
NoFollow jQuery Links
(0 ڪل درجه بندي)A simple TinyMCE Plugin to add a js link solution for linking pages together in order to stop search engines crawlers going through those pages.
Scroll Top Pro
(0 ڪل درجه بندي)Just click and go back to top. This plugin very simple and responsive and user friendly.
Dragon Ecommerce Reserve Plugin Without Online Payment for WordPress
(1 ڪل درجه بندي)Every company needs an ecommerce plugin to sell products on the WordPress website. This plugin sells your products to website visitors without online …
Dragon Ecommerce Plugin for WordPress
(1 ڪل درجه بندي)Every company needs an ecommerce plugin to sell products on the WordPress website. This plugin sells your products to website visitors.
Site Cookie Setting
(0 ڪل درجه بندي)Description The plugin adds a HTML snippet of Cookie on a Web Page. Installation Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/site-cookie-setti …
WP Plugin Confirm
(0 ڪل درجه بندي)Displays a confirmation dialog when plugin are enabled / stop. Display plugin enable / stop logs on the dashboard.
Pinterest Follow Opt-in
(0 ڪل درجه بندي)Pinterest Opt-in by BestBlogTech.com adds a Pinterest follow opt-in your WordPress website.
Contact AJAX forms
(0 ڪل درجه بندي)Easily add Contact AJAX forms to any page, post or widget area with an unlimited number of custom fields. Easy to manage and style!