پلگ ان ٽيگ: custom style
Advanced Twenty Seventeen
(11 ڪل درجه بندي)Customize style of the Twenty Seventeen theme completely
Custom Script Integration
(5 ڪل درجه بندي)This plugin provides custom meta box to add Google Adword conversion, ads, custom css and scripts in individual pages/posts.
Custom Style Script
(1 ڪل درجه بندي)Need to add style or script in your admin? This is the plugin for you. You can push your styles and scripts in your front end and/or admin.
Advanced Login Form
(1 ڪل درجه بندي)Advanced Login Form is a more customize wordpress plugin that use for wordpress login page. It also style register and forget password page.
NS Custom Css
(0 ڪل درجه بندي)This plugin help to write easly custom css with no code required! Works with a lot of themes!
Boot Slider
(1 ڪل درجه بندي)Bootstrap 5 Slider with customize and awosome ui/ux. Wordpress Full functional. Use Shortcode [boot_slider id=" "] or [boot_slider id=" …