پلگ ان ٽيگ: block-editor
Zolo Advanced Heading
(0 ڪل درجه بندي)The Zolo Advanced Heading block helps you create customizable headlines with advanced features like text highlighting, image masking etc.
Stretch Block Editor
(0 ڪل درجه بندي)Plugin to stretch the new block editor (Gutenberg) in WordPress
Yours59 responsive spacings for core blocks
(0 ڪل درجه بندي)Plugin provides an Panel for Gutenberg Inspector which allows you to set responsive spacing (margin, padding) for all core blocks.
Blocksolid Gateway
(0 ڪل درجه بندي)Gated content based upon a Members Only flag for pages, posts and categories with Gutenberg support.
Necessary Blocks – Page Builder, Gutenberg Blocks & Patterns
(1 ڪل درجه بندي)Gutenberg blocks to create sites in the Gutenberg Blocks Editor with 33+ necessary blocks, patterns, templates with lots of customizing features.
Melonpan Block – Post List
(0 ڪل درجه بندي)Block that displays a list of selected Posts and Custom post types.
Foxdell Folio Block Editor Customiser
(0 ڪل درجه بندي)Customise you Block Editor experience, or customise the experience on client sites.
Awesome Alert Blocks
(0 ڪل درجه بندي)Awesome Alert Blocks notices for the new WordPress block editor.
(0 ڪل درجه بندي)Easily create and manage custom forms with the block editor, customizable fields, and form submission management for your website.
Cycle Blocks
(0 ڪل درجه بندي)Cycle Blocks plugin is a collection of block for block themes (Full Site Editing).
Block Theme Color Switcher
(0 ڪل درجه بندي)This plugin allows users to choose a color palette for the Block Theme from the frontend.
(0 ڪل درجه بندي)Blog-Writer is a Gutenberg block plugin for designing highly customizable and responsive desktop and mobile menus.
Plugin Name: OC Smart Table (free)
(0 ڪل درجه بندي)It swaps list for table, if a viewer opens your page with small width display.
Master Query Loop
(0 ڪل درجه بندي)The plugin helps you to add advanced features to the WordPress core query loop block: get specific posts, popular posts and more!
(0 ڪل درجه بندي)Une collection de blocs pour afficher les personnes, les groupes et les fonctions provenant de l'annuaire diocésain ADEL.
Custom Taxonomies for Blocks
(0 ڪل درجه بندي)WordPress plugin to convert older custom taxonomies so they can be used in the WordPress blocks interface (a.k.a. Gutenberg).