Syndicate Press lets you include RSS, RDF or Atom feeds directly in your WordPress Posts, Pages, Widgets or anywhere in your theme. Syndicate Press features an easy to use admin page and includes great features such as feed caching, filters and numerous display options.
Unlike a number of other news syndication plugins for WordPress, Syndicate Press does not force arbitrary formatting or CSS styling on the feed contents. This allows the feed items to be displayed in your site like they are a fully integrated part of your content.
Syndicate Press is actively maintained and regularly updated with new features and enhancements. The Syndicate Press development team at henryranch.net has focused on ease of use, performance, stability and functionality to bring you a great plugin that will help keep your WordPress site up to date with the latest in news feeds from every corner of the world.
Arbitrary section
Please see the following pages for examples of the syndicated news feeds on a WordPress blog:
Usage information: http://syndicatepress.henryranch.net/documentation/usage/
This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working. For more details please see http://syndicatepress.henryranch.net/documentation/install/
- Install the plugin
- Via th WordPress plugin repository: Click ‘Install’ and then ‘Activate’ after installation completes.
- via the WordPress ‘Upload’ feature: SImply select the SyndicatePress.zip file and upload via the WordPress interface
- Via FTP: Upload the unzipped syndicate-press directory to the
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Follow the usage instructions at the bottom of the admin page
See http://syndicatepress.henryranch.net/documentation/faq/
تعاون ڪندڙ & ڊولپرز
“Syndicate Press” اوپن سورس سافٽ ويئر آهي. ھيٺين ماڻھن ھن پلگ ان ۾ حصو ورتو آھي.
تعاون ڪندڙترجمو ڪريو “Syndicate Press” توهان جي ٻولي ۾.
ڊولپمينٽ ۾ دلچسپي؟
ڪوڊ براؤز ڪريو، چيڪ ڪريو SVN مخزن، يا رڪنيت حاصل ڪريو ڊولپمينٽ لاگ پاران RSS.
لاگ تبدیل ڪريو
v1.0.33.2: Fixes for PHP functions that were deprecated in PHP 7.x
v1.0.33: PHP 5.5 + WordPress Mysql escape string fix, help updates, and license update
– Fixed an incompatibility issue with PHP 5.5 and WordPress when using the mysql string escape methods
– Added a message in the support tab which indicates the PHP version of the server. This should help with debugging.
– Updated the help tab with license, no warranty and credits headings
– Added a separate license file
– Added a notification in the RSS Feeds tab reminding site owners/admins/editors who use this plugin that some countries are now taxing for the republishing of syndicated content.
– The site owners/admins/editors who use this plugin are responsible to pay any fees or taxes arising out of their re-publishing of content from a feed.
v1.0.32: Major update to support more robust feed downloads
– The feed download feature has been updated to support:
– Redirects: will now follow (most) server redirects (the use of feed url redirects has grown recently)
– SSL: will now download encrypted feeds (facebook, twitter, etc…)
– In an effort to support as many feed publlishers as possible, Syndicate Press does not validate the authenticity of the SSL certificate, but rather accepts the certificate as provided by the feed url server.
– Cookies: now supports cookies when the feed server attempts to perform a redirect that requires cookies
– The default feed download mode is still the same as ‘download client’ as prior versions
– It is highly recommended that users update their download settings to use the new Curl download mode
– In order to make use of the new features listed above, your php install must support Curl.
v1.0.31: Several new (small) features
– The link target can now be specified in the ‘Disaply Formatting’ tab on the SP Admin Panel. Defaults to _blank
– The download client user agent string can now be set in the ‘Cache’ tab on the SP Admin Panel. This *may* help with downloading feeds from some hosts that might be blocking downloads from feed apps.
– The SP output can now be styled using CSS classes: USe the class ‘sp-feed-item’ to style the feed articles. Use class ‘sp-feeds’ to style the entire feed content div.
– Added a link to an online RSS feed validator tool in the help tab. this should help folks who are having trouble with SP reading a feed. It will help determine if a feed reading issue is due to the feed being corrupt or an issue in SP.
v1.0.30: Some fixes to the lightbox popup and html special character handling
– Lightbox: Ensure it displays in the center of the page when the page is scrolled. Also, fixed multiple vertical scroll bar issue in lightbox.
– HTML special char: fixed issue from forum where & and then various chars such as reg will show the html special char
v1.0.29: Quick fix for permissions message when there was no perms issue
v1.0.28: Lightbox popup for article links
– Added new lightbox feature with tab on SP Admin Control Panel
– Fixed issue with ‘hide articles after X number of articles’ where styling was off and content would jump out of theme div’s.
– Cleaned up some dead code from the parser
– Re-arranged the Donations tab to highlight the donors website link
– Cleaned up some warnings visible in php/wordpress debug mode related to uninitialized vars.
v1.0.27: Custom shortcode parameter: replaceStringInTitle
– Added a new parameter to the shortcode which allows the admin to replace one or more strings in the article title with another string.
v1.0.26: Small update
– Updated support for advertising code between feeds.
1.0.25: New feature release – Lots of features…
– Custom formatting now supports:
— Timestamp
— Author
— Copyright
— Price
— Image
– Basic namespace support for ‘pm’ namespace
– Updated ‘Custom Formatting’ tab in admin panel to make it easier to use
– Updated documentation and disclaimers in the admin panel
– GUID from article is placed into html comments in the rendered page
– Added subtitle for article to parsed output
1.0.24: New feature release
– Added the ability to remove the CDATA tags from the feed. The content is still retained that was within the CDATA tags. This feature can be accessed on the ‘Display Settings’ tab.
1.0.23: New feature release
– Show the first X number of articles from a feed and then hide the rest. Allow the website viewer to click a link to show the hidden articles.
1.0.22: New feature release
– Custom cache directory:
— The admin can now set a custom cache root directory in the “Cache” tab. This may be useful for WordPress multi-site configurations.
— The “Cache” tab now shows the cache root, input and output directories along with their current permissions and how many cache files are in each dir.
– Bug fix:
— Fixed a bug in which the clear cache buttons were not working as expected.
1.0.21: New feature release
This release contains multiple new features…
– Custom Formatting:
— Feed and article title custom formatting now supports full html parameters such as the css style param and the javascript param
— Added custom formatting to the article body
– Article identification:
— Added div id’s to the articles. This div surrounds the article tite, timestamp and body content.
– Support:
— Added a feature on the support tab which will show the internal, global settings for SP so that an admin can include the settings in a support request email.
– TinyHttpClient class:
— Changed User-Agent to Mozilla to help more servers accept the client.
– Documentation:
— Added a reminder on the RSS Feeds tab that the site admin is fully responsible for following a feed publishers Copyright and Terms of Use.
1.0.20: New feature release
Added a new short-code parameter, truncateTitleAtWord, which allows you to set a word, which, if detected in the title will truncate the title just prior to that word. The result is that the word, and all words following it will not be shown on the page. This is especially useful for affiliate rss feeds where product meta information is included in the article title, but is not actually important. Also updated docs on the help tab.
1.0.19: Bug fix release
Fixed a bug in the length truncation code which would truncate the article or the article headline in the middle of a word. With this fix, the article or headline will now be truncated on whole word boundaries, where a word is defined by any string of characters, separated by a space. This change applies to the “Limit article to _____ characters” setting and the the “Limit article headline to _____ characters” setting on the “Display Settings” tab of the SP Admin panel.
1.0.18: New feature release
Added a new short-code parameter, limitArticles, which allows you to override the global article limit for the short-code that the param is included in. Use the new param as follows: [sp# feedList=feedName limitArticles=5]. Change 5 to whatever you want the max number of articles to be.
1.0.17: New feature release
Added new SEO feature which allows the admin to add the rel=nofollow tag to the article links.
1.0.16: New feature release and bug fixes
Added a new feature that allows the user to customize the format of the timestamp.
Fixed a bug in the shortcode definition of the feednames to include in a page. SP now allows the user to define the feeds to include as follows: feedList=feedname
Updated the help tab with the new feedList example
Added directory path display when the cache permissions are incorrect.
1.0.15: Small performance update
Removed an external server call which was slowing down the admin page load.
1.0.14: Tiny bugfix release
Fixed spelling error in Syndicate Press linkback text
1.0.13: Documentation release
Clarified some documentation around the file permissions check
1.0.12: Bug fix release.
Put exception handling around the file permissions check.
1.0.11: This is a new feature release.
Added support for bbcodes in the text widget.
Added a new check to make sure that the cache directories have the correct permissions.
Updated some of the descriptions in the admin page to make them clearer.
1.0.10: This is a bug-fix release. Fixed the following issues:
Failure to show feed items when “Show item description only when the viewer hovers over the item link.” is selected.
Error upon extra spaces and commas in the filter fields.
1.0.9: Added the showImages parameter to the bbcode to enable display of feed images for all feeds included by that bbcode snippet. i.e. [sp# feedname showImages=true]
1.0.8: Added ability to define inclusive and exclusive filters within the bbcode i.e. [sp# feedname include=keyword exclude=keyword]
Moved the custom formatting config out of the Display Options tab and into the new Custom Formatting tab
1.0.7: Fixed an image display bug. Placed the cache control buttons at the top of the admin UI.
1.0.6: Major admin page UI refactoring to utilize tabs. Tabs make managing the plugin much easier!
Implemented first attempt at solving the go-daddy permanent redirect for rss feeds.
1.0.5: Removed an extra line break after the article title and prior to the article timestamp.
Now the look of the title and timestamp is more controllable by the user. The article title still defaults to a
header2 level, but this can be removed in the plugin admin page.
1.0.4: Ignoring empty lines in the the feed url box.
1.0.3: Fixed a quote and slash escaping issue in the custom feed separator html and in the feed not found custom html.
1.0.2: Added an article link to the ‘…’ when an article is truncated by Syndicate Press. Automatically replacing the feed:// protocol designator with http://
1.0.1: Added an ‘Update Settings’ button to the top of the Admin Page. Fixed a bug where a space between the | character and the feed URL (when using a custom feed name) resulted in the feed URL not being found.
1.0: Initial release to the WordPress plugin repository