Explore SlidersPack Features | Annual or Lifetime Bundle Deal
SlidersPack – a slider plugin, comes with 10 sliders/carousels plus FancyBox Support with lots options. Also work with WordPress Posts. With SlidersPack you can create your own unique, SEO-optimixed sliders/carousel in a matter of second like meta slider.
Also work with Gutenberg shortcode block.
SlidersPack comes with 3 options
- Gallery Image : Simply select images from your WordPress Media Library, drag and drop them into place, and then set the slide captions, links all from one page.
- WordPress Posts : Get posts from WordPress posts section and display them.
- ACF Pro/ACF Gallery add-on Support : Get images from ACF Gallery add-on OR ACF Pro(Gallery).
Choose one of 10 different sliders/carousels types from Sliders Pack, and use short-code or template-code to embed the slideshows.
Included slideshow types:
- Flex Slider 2 – Responsive, Slider/Carousel, 2 transition effects.
- bxSlider – Responsive, Slider/Carousel, Ticker, Horizontal, vertical, and fade modes.
- Owl Carousel 2 – Responsive, Slider/Carousel, Center and Autowidth mode.
- Swiper Slider – Responsive, Slider/Carousel, Center, Horizontal, vertical mode.
- 3D Slider – Responsive Carousel with 3d effect.
- Wallop Slider – Responsive Slider and Much more than just a slider
- unSlider – Responsive Slider and is an ultra-simple jQuery slider for your website.
- Nivo Slider – Responsive, 16 Transition Effects
- Responsive Slides – Responsive & incredibly light weight
- Polaroids Gallery – Responsive image gallery slider.
WordPress Posts Support
Now SlidersPack also work with WordPress posts.
ACF Gallery add-on Support
Now SlidersPack also work with ACF Gallery add-on. Get images from ACF Gallery add-on OR ACF Pro(Gallery) and display them in the frontside of your/client website.
FancyBox Support
jQuery FancyBox script for displaying images in popup. Touch enabled, responsive and fully customizable. Work with all slider types.
Image Captions Support
Each Slider/Carousel has option to show/hide Captions of images.
SlidersPack is best for:
- WordPess Posts Slider.
- WordPess Posts carousel.
- Image Gallery Slider.
- Image Gallery carousel.
- Logo Showcase.
- Logo Ticker.
- Image Gallery.
- 3D Slider.
- and many more..
- FancyBox Support.
- WordPress Posts Slider.
- Meta slider.
- ACF Gallery add-on Support
- Also work with Gutenberg shortcode block.
- Simple, easy to use interface – perfect for individual users, developers & clients!
- Create Responsive, SEO optimised slideshows in seconds.
- Unrestricted support for Image slides (supports caption, link, title text, alt text).
- Full width slideshow support.
- Drag and drop slide reordering.
- Loads of slideshow configuration options – transition effect, speed etc (per slideshow).
- Fast – only the minimum JavaScript/CSS is included on your page.
- Simple and intuitive interface – perfect for individual users, developers & clients!
This plugin contain shortcode:
[sliders_pack id="XX"]
Here is Template code
<?php echo do_shortcode('[sliders_pack id="XX"]'); ?>
With WordPress sliders pack plugin, add slider in your blog or website easier: simply select images from your WordPress Media Library, drag and drop them into place, and then set the slide captions, links and alt fields all from one page.
PRO Features Include :
Premium Version
- Added 20 Designs.
- Added more setting parameters.
- Thumbnails Pagination Support for slider like Flex Slider 2, Swiper Slider etc.
- FancyBox Settings ie Open/close Animation Effects and Slide Transition Effects.
- Show/Hide Title in fancybox image gallery.
- Show/Hide Title in image gallery.
- Show/Hide Author for post.
- Show/Hide Date for post.
Read more and thanks to:
- Upload the ‘sliderspack-all-in-one-image-sliders’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
- Activate the “sliderspack-all-in-one-image-sliders” list plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
- Use the shortcode
[sliders_pack id=”XX”]
تعاون ڪندڙ & ڊولپرز
“Slider a SlidersPack – Image Slider, Post Slider, ACF Gallery Slider” اوپن سورس سافٽ ويئر آهي. ھيٺين ماڻھن ھن پلگ ان ۾ حصو ورتو آھي.
تعاون ڪندڙواحد: “Slider a SlidersPack – Image Slider, Post Slider, ACF Gallery Slider” 1 لوڪل ۾ ترجمو ڪيو ويو آهي. ترجمي ڪندڙن جي مهرباني سندن تعاون لاءِ.
ترجمو ڪريو “Slider a SlidersPack – Image Slider, Post Slider, ACF Gallery Slider” توهان جي ٻولي ۾.
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ڪوڊ براؤز ڪريو، چيڪ ڪريو SVN مخزن، يا رڪنيت حاصل ڪريو ڊولپمينٽ لاگ پاران RSS.
لاگ تبدیل ڪريو
2.3 (17- Aug -23)
- [*] Tested up to: 6.3
- [*] Fixed all security related issues.
2.0.2 (08-07-2022)
- [*] Fixed some design reakted issue in front-end side and back-end side.
2.0.1 (07-07-2022)
- [*] Tested up to: 6.0
- [-] Removed SliderJs jquery lib
- [*] Fixed image title tooltip issue.
- [*] Fixed image display issue in mobile.
- [*] Fixed all slider image display issue.
1.3.3 (11, Feb 2022)
- [*] Tested up to: 5.9
1.3.2 (07, Dec 2021)
- [*] Fixed – Fixed Warning: compact(): Undefined variable $auto_stop issue.
1.3.1 (15, Nov 2021)
- [*] Update – Add some text and links in Readme file.
1.3 (18, Aug 2021)
- [*] Tested up to: 5.8
- [*] Updated all external links
- [*] Tweak – Code optimization and performance improvements.
1.21 (21, September 2020)
- [*] Add defualt “touchEnabled” parameter value “false” in a bxslider.
1.20 (14, July 2020)
- [*] Follow WordPress Detailed Plugin Guidelines for Offload Media.
1.19 (25-06-2020)
- [*] Fixed ACF Gallery type show if ACF Pro.
1.18 (15-06-2020)
- [*] Fixed image caption save issue for gallery.
1.17 (11-06-2020)
- [*] Fixed image drag and drop js issue. Thanks to @rockyreasoner for showing us this.
1.16 (30-04-2020)
- [-] Removed direction option in Swiper slider so slider will be work only ‘horizontal’ direction by default.
- [-] Removed Height parameter in Swiper slider and Un slider.
- [-] Removed Fade effect option in Un slider.
- [*] Updated all slider CSS & JS with latest version.
- [*] Fix minor design related issues for defualt wordpress theme support.
- [*] Note: As we have enhanced whole plugin, So incase if you face any issue then please let us know. We will help you.
- [*] Code Improvements and Bug fixes related owl carousel slider and swiper slider.
1.15 (27-12-2019)
- [*] Updated features list.
- [*] Fixed BX and flex slider dot issue.
1.14 (29-08-2019)
- [*] Fixed: OWL Carousel slider auto width slider issue.
- [+] Added dash(-) for devide categories for all the post sliders.
1.13 (30-07-2019)
- [+] Added Responsive parameter for 3D slider.
1.12 (19-07-2019)
- [+] Added ACF Pro(Gallery) OR ACF Gallery add-on support for all sliders type
- [+] Added responsive parameter(slide to show tablet, slide to show ipad, slide to show mobile) for OWL slider, 3D slider, Swiper slider
- [*] Fixed some parameter issues.
- [*] Improved slider settings text part.
1.11 (03-06-2019)
- [*] Fixed WordPress post slider issue for all slider types by adding wp_reset_postdata().
1.10 (28-05-2019)
- [*] Fixed some designing related issue in front-end side and admin side.
- [*] Improved slider setting text part.
1.9.1 (25-05-2019)
- [+] Added new setting option under – “Common Parameters For All Slider Type” ie Link Target = blank (Open link on the new tab) or = self (Open link on the same window).
- [*] Fixed image loading issue for bxslider.
- [*] Updated admin user interface.
- [+] Now you can upgrade to Pro version if you want more features like 15+ designs, New parammeter for FancyBox – Select the FancyBox (Settings ie Open/close Animation Effects and Slide Transition Effects) , Thumbnails Pagination Support, Show/hide Author for post, Show/hide Date for post
1.9 (29-03-2019)
- [*] Fixed Media Size option issue and conflict with theme css and 3rd party pluign css.
- [+] Added Auto height option in Flex Slider, Owl Slider, Swiper Slider and unSlider.
- [Important Note] Please update your slider setting after you update the pluign. Also set Auto height option True if you are using Flex Slider OR Owl Slider OR Swiper Slider OR unSlider.
1.8 (25-03-2019)
- [+] Added loop and slide effect for fancybox gallery if fancybox enabled. data-options='{“loop” : “true”, “transitionEffect” : “slide”}’
1.7 (28-02-2019)
- [*] Taken care with sanitizing functions esc_url(), esc_attr() and esc_html() for better security.
- [*] Tested with WordPress 5.1
1.5 (20-12-2018)
- [*] Fixed all issue of image loading for all sliders
- [*] Fixed all translation issue.
- [*] Optimized the code.
1.4 (19-12-2018)
- [-] Removed some unwanted code.
1.4 (07-12-2018)
- [*] Tested with WordPress 5.0 and Gutenberg.
- [*] Fixed some CSS issues.
1.3 (20-9-2018)
- [+] Added WordPress posts support
- [*] Show/hide posts title OR content
- [*] Manage post word limit.
- [*] Display posts by category wise
- [*] Control number of posts need to show.
- [*] Updated admin UI design
1.1.1 (26-10-2017)
- [+] Added fancyBox support – jQuery lightbox script for displaying images in popup. Touch enabled, responsive and fully customizable. Work with all slider types.
- [*] Fixed some small isuues
1.0.1 (24-10-2017)
- Made some small – small changes
1.0 (24-10-2017)
- Initial release.