Create sitemap page by using shortcodes. Separate shortcodes for posts, pages and Woocommerce products.
- [SitemapPost] — list all posts
- [SitemapPage] — list all pages
- [SitemapPage exclude=”1493,4071,6,4167,7,8″] — list exclude pages example
- [SitemapProduct] — list all woocommerce products
- [SitemapCategory] — list all woocommerce category
Quicktags available in WordPress text editor.
For more, refer to Easy Sitemap Document
- Navigate to the “Add New” in the plugins dashboard
- Search for “Sitemap with woocomerce”
- Click “Install Now”
- Activate the plugin on the Plugin dashboard
25 اپريل 2019
1 reply
This plugin is very useful for me with customize for sitemap display for page, post and woo commerce.
[SitemapPage exclude=”1493,4071,6,4167,7,8″]
1 فيبروري 2019
1 reply
Basically does what is says it does.
However, I would like some added features.
What I’m missing, is using exclude on every type, not just pages.
Products should be listed using is_visible and check if they are password protected.
I dont know if the plugin maker is still active.
5 نومبر 2018
Works perfectly. Thanks
15 مارچ 2018
ocommerce site map category and product list and page and post also .this is very easy use.
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لاگ تبدیل ڪريو
- Initial release.