ھي پلگ ان WordPress جي جديد 3 وڏين رليزز سان آزمايو نه ويو آھي. اهو ٿي سگهي ٿو وڌيڪ برقرار يا سپورٽ نه ٿي سگهي ۽ ٿي سگهي ٿو مطابقت جا مسئلا جڏهن ورڈپریس جي وڌيڪ تازي ورزن سان استعمال ڪيو وڃي.

Multi Image Metabox


This plugin add a metabox which allox to upload and link multiple images to one post.
Pictures are linked by the way of meta_value (and attachments ID). They can be reordered using drag and drop.

Number of allowed pictures and concerned post types can be overited using hooks.

Plugin includes many functions to retrieve linked pictures.
For more information on using the plugin, refer to the section “Other Notes”.

Set concerned post types

Paste this into your theme’s functions.php file :

Set allowed number of picts

Paste this into your theme’s functions.php file :
‘image2’ => ‘_image2’,
return $picts;

Set allowed number of picts, depending to the post_type

Paste this into your theme’s functions.php file :
function my_list_images($list_images, $cpt){
global $typenow;
if($typenow == “my_custom_post_type” || $cpt == “my_custom_post_type”)
$picts = array(
‘image1’ => ‘_image1’,
‘image2’ => ‘_image2’,
‘image3’ => ‘_image3’,
$picts = array(
‘image1’ => ‘_image1’,
‘image2’ => ‘_image2’,
‘image3’ => ‘_image3’,
‘image4’ => ‘_image4’,
‘image5’ => ‘_image5’,
‘image6’ => ‘_image6’,
‘image7’ => ‘_image7’,
‘image8’ => ‘_image8’,
return $picts;


This function have to be used into a template file, or any function.
It return an array of the linked attachments’s ID.

It take two arguments whose are :

  1. include the thumbnail ? (boolean) if true include the thumbnail in the returned datas
  2. ID (integer) for targeting images linked to a specific post

    ‘image1’ => 5,
    ‘image2’ => 6,
    ‘image3’ => 12,
    ‘image6’ => 20,
    ‘image7’ => 15

    //Empty pictures ar not returned



    This function have to be used into a template file, or any function.
    It return an array of URIs and dimension for the linked attachments’s, by order.

It take three agruments whose are :

  1. size (string) the size to return
  2. include the thumbnail ? (boolean) if true include the thumbnail in the returned datas
  3. ID (integer) for targeting images linked to a specific post

    [0] => ‘http://url_of_the_medium_pict.jpg’,
    [1] => 340,
    [2] => 200,
    [3] => false //I’ve no idea what is it…
    ‘image2’ => array(
    [0] => ‘http://url_of_the_medium_second_pict.jpg’,
    [1] => 340,
    [2] => 200,
    [3] => false //I’ve no idea what is it…



    Same as get_image_src(), but return two sizes for all the pictures.

It take for agruments whose are :

  1. size (string) the size to return
  2. size2 (string) another size to return
  3. include the thumbnail ? (boolean) if true include the thumbnail in the returned datas
  4. ID (integer) for targeting images linked to a specific post

    [0] => array(
    [0] => ‘http://url_of_the_medium_pict.jpg’,
    [1] => 340,
    [2] => 200,
    [3] => false //I’ve no idea what is it…
    [1] => array(
    [0] => ‘http://url_of_the_full_pict.jpg’,
    [1] => 1020,
    [2] => 600,
    [3] => false //I’ve no idea what is it…
    ‘image2’ => array(
    [0] => array(
    [0] => ‘http://url_of_the_medium_second_pict.jpg’,
    [1] => 340,
    [2] => 200,
    [3] => false //I’ve no idea what is it…
    [1] => array(
    [0] => ‘http://url_of_the_second_full_pict.jpg’,
    [1] => 1020,
    [2] => 600,
    [3] => false //I’ve no idea what is it…
    //Empty pictures ar not returned



  • The metabox look like that !


  1. Upload the Multi Image Metabox plugin to your blog and Activate it.

  2. Customize (into the functions.php file of your theme):

    1. If you want to target other post type than PAGE, use the filter hook “images_cpt”
    2. If you want to change the number of image, use the filter hook “list_images”
  3. Retrieve the linked images in your theme using the functions :

    1. Use get_images_ids() into the loop to get an array of attachment’s ID
    2. Use get_images_src(‘size’) into the loop to get an array of attachment’s URI & dimensions for the quiered size
    3. Use get_multi_images_src(‘size1′,’size2’) into the loop to get an array of attachment’s URI & dimensions for 2 differents size
  4. Enjoy ^^ (report to developper section to view the returned datas)


Installation Instructions
  1. Upload the Multi Image Metabox plugin to your blog and Activate it.

  2. Customize (into the functions.php file of your theme):

    1. If you want to target other post type than PAGE, use the filter hook “images_cpt”
    2. If you want to change the number of image, use the filter hook “list_images”
  3. Retrieve the linked images in your theme using the functions :

    1. Use get_images_ids() into the loop to get an array of attachment’s ID
    2. Use get_images_src(‘size’) into the loop to get an array of attachment’s URI & dimensions for the quiered size
    3. Use get_multi_images_src(‘size1′,’size2’) into the loop to get an array of attachment’s URI & dimensions for 2 differents size
  4. Enjoy ^^ (report to developper section to view the returned datas)


3 سيپٽمبر 2016
I am a graphic designer and I use this on my own site. I use it on some client sites. It really helps me get the job done. I wish the documentation was a bit clearer. I remember not getting a critical piece of information from the documentation when I started using this the first time; I did find the clue I needed in a comment or faq or some random spot that was contributed by a user.
3 سيپٽمبر 2016
In the plugin folder > see this file “get-images.js” In the code=> You have written ===> /*$(‘.upload_pdf_button’).live(‘click’,function() { // .live function become deprecated in modern jQuery library. //I have written the rectified code, */ /*$(document).on(‘click’,’.upload_pdf_button’,function() { $(‘html’).addClass(‘pdf’); num = $(this).attr(‘data-cible’); formfielddeux = $(‘.url_pdf_input[data-input=”‘+num+'”]’).attr(‘name’); var id=$(“#post_ID”).val(); tb_show(”, ‘media-upload.php?post_id=’+id+’&type=file&TB_iframe=true’); return false; });*/
جمع: سڀ 11 تبصرا پڙهو

تعاون ڪندڙ & ڊولپرز

“Multi Image Metabox” اوپن سورس سافٽ ويئر آهي. ھيٺين ماڻھن ھن پلگ ان ۾ حصو ورتو آھي.

تعاون ڪندڙ

ترجمو ڪريو “Multi Image Metabox” توهان جي ٻولي ۾.

ڊولپمينٽ ۾ دلچسپي؟

ڪوڊ براؤز ڪريو، چيڪ ڪريو SVN مخزن، يا رڪنيت حاصل ڪريو ڊولپمينٽ لاگ پاران RSS.

لاگ تبدیل ڪريو


  • Solve a major bug on front end, when you want to customize number of pictures depending to the post type.
  • YOU NEED TO UPDATE YOUR FILTERS “list_images”, if you’re using it…


  • Solve a minor bug while saving menus


  • Add an integer argument id for all procedurals functions to target a specific post
  • Solve a bug into the get_multi_images_src() function


  • Add an boolean argument thumbnail for all procedurals functions to join image post thumbnail (ID, images) at the front of the returned arrays


  • Change the hook for initializing the plugin. By this way we can now assign different numbers of picts, depending to the post type.
  • Debug the default sizes of get_multi_image_src()


  • First version, with some hooks and functions