ھي پلگ ان WordPress جي جديد 3 وڏين رليزز سان آزمايو نه ويو آھي. اهو ٿي سگهي ٿو وڌيڪ برقرار يا سپورٽ نه ٿي سگهي ۽ ٿي سگهي ٿو مطابقت جا مسئلا جڏهن ورڈپریس جي وڌيڪ تازي ورزن سان استعمال ڪيو وڃي.

Featured Products Vertical Scroller


You can integrate the Vertical Featured Products Scroller into your site by using a widget or a shortcode.

To mark a product as featured, go to: Products > Products and select the Star in the featured column. Alternatively, select Quick Edit and then the Featured option.

The shortcode is:


Available shortcode options are:

  • id (unique ids are required if you want to use more than one scroller on the same page)
  • num_slides (the number of visible products)
  • speed (scroller speed in miliseconds, default is 5000)
  • category_slug (limits products by category slug)

Example usage:

[wcfps id=”scroller-one” num_slides=”3″ speed=”6000″ category_slug=”shoes”]


Upload the plugin to your blog then activate it.


Installation Instructions

Upload the plugin to your blog then activate it.


ھن پلگ ان لاءِ ڪي به رايا ناھن.

تعاون ڪندڙ & ڊولپرز

“Featured Products Vertical Scroller” اوپن سورس سافٽ ويئر آهي. ھيٺين ماڻھن ھن پلگ ان ۾ حصو ورتو آھي.

تعاون ڪندڙ

ترجمو ڪريو “Featured Products Vertical Scroller” توهان جي ٻولي ۾.

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ڪوڊ براؤز ڪريو، چيڪ ڪريو SVN مخزن، يا رڪنيت حاصل ڪريو ڊولپمينٽ لاگ پاران RSS.