ھي پلگ ان WordPress جي جديد 3 وڏين رليزز سان آزمايو نه ويو آھي. اهو ٿي سگهي ٿو وڌيڪ برقرار يا سپورٽ نه ٿي سگهي ۽ ٿي سگهي ٿو مطابقت جا مسئلا جڏهن ورڈپریس جي وڌيڪ تازي ورزن سان استعمال ڪيو وڃي.

Easy Theme Child


A fast and easy child theme generator to generate child theme in just one click. Save your time by using this plugin to generate your child theme. Just select your theme and click generate, it’s that simple.

Install the plugin, Activate it and then go to Easy Child Theme menu. Select a theme that you want to generate child theme of, theme click on the button Generate Child Theme to generate.


  • Select the child theme and click on “Generate Child Theme” button.
  • Child theme of the selected theme generated and activated automatically.
  • Displays error message if that child theme folder already exists.


Using The WordPress Dashboard

  • Navigate to the ‘Add New’ in the plugins dashboard
  • Search for “Easy Theme Child”
  • Click Install Now
  • Activate the plugin on the Plugin dashboard

Uploading in WordPress Dashboard

  • Navigate to the ‘Add New’ in the plugins dashboard
  • Navigate to the ‘Upload’ area
  • Select easy-theme-child.zip from your computer
  • Click ‘Install Now’
  • Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard

Using FTP

  • Download easy-theme-child.zip
  • Extract the easy-theme-child directory to your computer
  • Upload the easy-theme-child directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  • Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard


ھن پلگ ان لاءِ ڪي به رايا ناھن.

تعاون ڪندڙ & ڊولپرز

“Easy Theme Child” اوپن سورس سافٽ ويئر آهي. ھيٺين ماڻھن ھن پلگ ان ۾ حصو ورتو آھي.

تعاون ڪندڙ

ترجمو ڪريو “Easy Theme Child” توهان جي ٻولي ۾.

ڊولپمينٽ ۾ دلچسپي؟

ڪوڊ براؤز ڪريو، چيڪ ڪريو SVN مخزن، يا رڪنيت حاصل ڪريو ڊولپمينٽ لاگ پاران RSS.

لاگ تبدیل ڪريو

  • 1.0.3
    Compatiblity tested and minor issues fixed.

  • 1.0.2
    Compatiblity tested.

  • 1.0.1
    Minor issue fixed and compatiblity tested.

  • 1.0.0
    Initial Release