Diving Calculators


Add Scuba Diving calculators to your website with this widget. It includes the following calculators:

Maximum Operation Depth

Best Nitrox Mix

Equivalent Air Depth

Equivalent Narcotic Depth

Surface Air Consumption Rate

Altitude Diving

Lift Bag Volume


  • Example in twentytwentyone theme
  • Widget Configuration
  • Example in diferent theme
  • Collapsed calculators


  1. Upload diving-calculators folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Add the widget to the footer or sidebar and select the calculators that you want to have available
  4. Done!


Do the calculators use metric or imperial system?

On the top of the calculators it is possible to choose between Metric or Imperial. Changing the calculation from -> to:
Meters -> Feet
Liters -> cubic Feet
bar -> psi
kg -> lbs


ھن پلگ ان لاءِ ڪي به رايا ناھن.

تعاون ڪندڙ & ڊولپرز

“Diving Calculators” اوپن سورس سافٽ ويئر آهي. ھيٺين ماڻھن ھن پلگ ان ۾ حصو ورتو آھي.

تعاون ڪندڙ

ترجمو ڪريو “Diving Calculators” توهان جي ٻولي ۾.

ڊولپمينٽ ۾ دلچسپي؟

ڪوڊ براؤز ڪريو، چيڪ ڪريو SVN مخزن، يا رڪنيت حاصل ڪريو ڊولپمينٽ لاگ پاران RSS.

لاگ تبدیل ڪريو


  • Ready for translation
  • Spanish translation
  • Performance Upgrade
  • Minify CSS


  • Initial Version