ھي پلگ ان WordPress جي جديد 3 وڏين رليزز سان آزمايو نه ويو آھي. اهو ٿي سگهي ٿو وڌيڪ برقرار يا سپورٽ نه ٿي سگهي ۽ ٿي سگهي ٿو مطابقت جا مسئلا جڏهن ورڈپریس جي وڌيڪ تازي ورزن سان استعمال ڪيو وڃي.

Brand Demo Import


Import Brand theme demo content, widgets and settings with one click.
This plugin requires the Brand theme to be installed.


From your WordPress dashboard

  1. Visit ‘Plugins -> Add New’,
  2. Click on ‘Upload Plugin’,
  3. Select the brand-demo-import zip file you have downloaded,
  4. Click on ‘Install Now’,
  5. Activate ‘Brand Demo Import’ from your plugins page.

Once the plugin is activated you will find the actual import page in: ‘Brand Theme -> Import Demo Data’.


Installation Instructions

From your WordPress dashboard

  1. Visit ‘Plugins -> Add New’,
  2. Click on ‘Upload Plugin’,
  3. Select the brand-demo-import zip file you have downloaded,
  4. Click on ‘Install Now’,
  5. Activate ‘Brand Demo Import’ from your plugins page.

Once the plugin is activated you will find the actual import page in: ‘Brand Theme -> Import Demo Data’.

I installed the plugin but it does not work

This plugin will only work with Brand theme.


ھن پلگ ان لاءِ ڪي به رايا ناھن.

تعاون ڪندڙ & ڊولپرز

“Brand Demo Import” اوپن سورس سافٽ ويئر آهي. ھيٺين ماڻھن ھن پلگ ان ۾ حصو ورتو آھي.

تعاون ڪندڙ

ترجمو ڪريو “Brand Demo Import” توهان جي ٻولي ۾.

ڊولپمينٽ ۾ دلچسپي؟

ڪوڊ براؤز ڪريو، چيڪ ڪريو SVN مخزن، يا رڪنيت حاصل ڪريو ڊولپمينٽ لاگ پاران RSS.

لاگ تبدیل ڪريو


Release Date: November 15, 2017

  • Fixed bug that prevented menu items import on PHP 7 and above.


Release Date: October 17, 2017

  • Change url to the link to install Brand theme where is not the active theme.


Release Date: August 23, 2017

  • Updated demo data.
  • Added array to list pages that use sections.
  • Added method to update the sections background images ids.
  • Added check to avoid importing the same images multiple times.
  • Added a condition to increase max execution time only if set_time_limit is not disabled in PHP ini settings.


Release Date: August 12, 2017

  • Initial release